Internet & Society 2004: Votes, Bits & Bytes. How are technologies changing politics, both in the U.S. and abroad? The purpose of this conference is to take a skeptical, results…
What is Ours? Put aside for the moment question of what is legally ours on the Net. Instead, consider what's ours in a less explicit and less rigorous sense.
Representatives from the EFF and RIAA debate on "Should innovators who produce legal software and devices suffer liability for how consumers use their inventions?"
Harvard-Yale Cyberscholar Working Group: October 11, 2004.
Caio Pereira, JSD candidate, Yale Law School, Information Society Project Fellow, on "Universal Access Policies in… -- the grassroots encyclopedia -- has frozen edits to the page about George W. Bush because supporters and detractors were revising the page at a head-spinning clip.
Web of Ideas is a Wednesday night discussion series at the Berkman Center, lead by Berkman Fellow David Weinberger, co-author of The Cluetrain Manifesto and author of Small Pieces…
Note: Links may be inaccessible or out of date Internet Law Colloquium Harvard Law School and the Berkman Center are pleased to announce the Internet Law Colloquium, a…