December 12 2007 Conference Call
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Conference Call Notes
Drafted by Joe Andrieu, December 12, 2007
- vrm at
Other Calls
- Joe Andrieu
- Dean Landsman
- Charles Andres
- Bart Stevens
- Drummond Reed
- Keith Hopper
- Jerry Michalski
Previous Action Items:All on target/completed.
Vision Committee
Dean will send out request for a brief vision statement to the steering committee.
Standards Committee
Three prongs moving forward:
- Framework Requirements Spec
- Use Case Process/Capability
- Use Cases
- Change of Address
New/Continuing Action Items
- Proposals from committee chairs. Monday 12/17. Dean, Joe, Doc,
Adrianna, Ian. (December is an opportunity for progress...)
- Starting email/invite to all the groups from committee chair to kickstart the conversation.
- Request for brief vision statement to steering committee members. Dean. 12/13.
- Respond with vision statement. 12/31/2007. All steering committee members.
- Follow up with Doc re: wiki & spam. Joe. 12/12.
- Email about no call next time. Dean. 12/12.
Next Meeting
January 9, 2007 (skipping Boxing Day on 12/26)