Research Sprint on Takedowns and Transparency with Lumen
During the Spring of 2022, a cohort of international participants took part in a 9-week online research sprint. Sprint participants worked with members of the Lumen Database team and Berkman Klein Center staff, as well as outside experts to tackle pressing issues concerning online governance and transparency. The Lumen Database is a repository of takedown requests sent to online intermediaries, and a critical resource for the study of the notice and takedown phenomenon. Participants familiarized themselves with the nuances of the global notice and the takedown ecosystem and collaborated to produce a working draft of a Statement of Best Practices regarding takedown transparency. These statements are intended primarily for Online Services Providers (OSP) that are the recipients of takedown notices but will also be useful for other relevant stakeholders. The resulting draft statement will become the first stage of an iterative, consultative process on takedown transparency guided by Lumen.