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Tim Hwang is Director of the Ethics and Governance of AI Initiative at the Berkman-Klein Center and the MIT Media Lab.  Formerly, he was the global public policy lead on AI and machine learning for Google.

Dubbed the "The Busiest Man on the Internet" by Forbes, his work has appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post, Wired Magazine, The Atlantic, and the Wall Street Journal, among others. Previously, he led the Intelligence & Autonomy Project, a two-year research initiative on AI/ML supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. He is on Twitter @timhwang.


MIT Tech Review
Aug 24, 2018

The four ways that ex-internet idealists explain where it all went wrong

A long time ago, in the bad old days of the 2000s, debates about the internet were dominated by two great tribes: the Optimists and the Pessimists...

Apr 1, 2011

Radio Berkman 177: Retweeting Robots

This week on Radio Berkman: Internet dab hand Tim Hwang talks with Dan Jones about the Socialbots competition and the potential and hazards of bot-mediated community-building...

Jul 15, 2010

Radio Berkman 158: Thinking About Thinking About the Net

This week on Radio Berkman: David Weinberger and Tim Hwang trawl through some schools of thought about the Net...



What should newsrooms do about deepfakes? These three things, for starters

Researchers argue the dangers of deepfakes are overblown, but they will still require journalists to give thought to how they handle unconfirmed information.

Nov 20, 2019

Don't Worry About Deepfakes. Worry About Why People Fall for Them.

There are good reasons to believe that deepfakes will not be a threat in the near future, and that they, in fact, may never pose a significant threat.

Dec 13, 2018
New Hampshire Union Leader


the next threat to our elections?

Can fake doctored videos — known as “deepfakes” — impact elections?

Nov 3, 2018

Diagramming Platform Moderation Dilemmas

A Work in Progress

A theoretical model of platform moderation, and how sites like Twitter and Facebook should think about when and why to suppress certain objectionable content

Oct 1, 2018


Oct 12, 2009 @ 9:00 AM

VRooM Boston 2009

As with earlier Vendor Relationship Management (VRM) workshops, this is a free unconference, organized on the open space model. Participants choose the topics, move those topics…

Apr 7, 2009 @ 12:30 PM

The LOLCat-hedral and the Bizarre: A Memescape Manifesto

Tim Hwang, Berkman Center

What's the link between Rick Astley and funny cat pictures? How about "alpaca sheep" and Anonymous? Is internet culture as a whole fundamentally random, or does an underlying…