Salomé is an Assistant Professor of Law at Michigan Law School, where she teaches and writes about contracts, privacy, commercial surveillance and data governance.
Salomé works on the law and political economy of data and AI and the role of law in structuring digital life. She is especially interested in platform power, how information law structures inequality, and how law theorizes data about people (i.e. ‘social data’). Some of her recent and forthcoming work develops a theory of affirmative, socially beneficial uses of social data, and examines the role of public agencies in gathering, governing, and using social data as a form of public governance. Other recent and forthcoming work considers under what kinds of conditions the datafication of social life is morally or legally wrongful. Broadly, she is interested in what legal status social data enjoys, what kinds of legal interests social data production and use implicates, and how the law does (and should) regulate the digital economy.