Jessie Daniels, PhD is Professor of Sociology at Hunter College and at The Graduate Center, CUNY (Sociology and Critical Social Psychology). She earned her PhD from University of Texas-Austin, where she worked with Joe R. Feagin, and did a post-doctoral fellowship at University of Cincinnati, where she worked with Patricia Hill Collins. Her main area of interest is in race and digital media technologies. She is an internationally recognized expert on Internet manifestations of racism. Daniels is the author or editor of five books along with dozens of peer-reviewed articles in journals such as New Media & Society, Gender & Society, American Journal of Public Health, and Women's Studies Quarterly. In the early 2000s, she directed a large, NIH-funded research project involving young men leaving Rikers Island, New York City's largest jail. A paper based on that research won the Sarah Mazelis Paper of the Year Award for 2011. In addition, some of her writing has appeared in The New York Times. Her books include, Cyber Racism (Rowman & Littlefield, 2009) and White Lies (Routledge, 1997). Together, these two books offer an exploration of racism on either side of the digital revolution. She is currently at work several books, including Tweet Storm: The Rise of the Far-Right, the Mainstreaming of White Supremacy, and How Tech and Media Helped. Her current work continues to examine the themes of race and technology through the emerging field of digital sociology. Digital Sociologies, (co-edited with Karen Gregory and Tressie McMillan Cottom, Policy Press, 2016) is a major contribution to this growing field. In 2014, Contexts Magazine said she was "pioneering digital sociology."