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Past Project

Media Re:public

Media Re:public is a research project that examines the current and potential impact of participatory news media. Funded by a grant from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Media Re:public is collaborating with the citizen and professional journalism communities as well the Berkman network to help the many researchers and practitioners working in this field take an analytical but constructive look at the way new voices, sources and formats are changing the information landscape. The goal of the project is to bring the best ideas together to inform the effective creation and dissemination of news and information that is meaningful in people’s lives.

Media Re:public studies how people who are not professional journalists are changing the information landscape and consequently, civic life. The project also looks at how traditional media outlets are using new sources and interactive tools to engage their readers, listeners, and viewers. Through a collaborative research process, Media Re:public is surveying the changes in the media landscape, examining possible scenarios for the future, and putting forward an agenda for research.

Our Work 10

Dec 18, 2008

News and Information as Digital Media Come of Age

Media Re:public paper series now available

We are pleased to announce a major research release: "Media Re:public: News and Information as the Digital Media Come of Age," a series of papers exploring the potential and the…

Oct 15, 2008

Video your vote

November 4 at ground level

YouTube and PBS have teamed up to ask US voters to document their voting experiences. You're invited to upload your election day video to the Video Your Vote channel. The Citizen…

Sep 16, 2008 @ 1:30 PM

Blogging, Journalism and Reality

Persephone Miel, Berkman Fellow

Persephone Miel presented her work on the Media Re:public project.

Jun 17, 2008

Beyond Broadcast and Supernova, conversations coast to coast

Berkman Fellows and friends are bookending the U.S.A. for two great conferences today - Beyond Broadcast in Washington D.C. and Supernova in San Francisco.

May 6, 2008

Homophily, serendipity, xenophilia

getting smart about birds of a feather

As ROFLCon descended on Cambridge, Fellow Ethan Zuckerman was essaying an argument for why homophily, serendipity, and xenophilia are "useful concepts" for thinking through media…

Apr 2, 2008

Media Re:public Forum

an initial roll-up

Last week, at USC's Annenberg School for Communication, Media Re:public brought together fellow travelers, skeptics, journalists, executives, researchers for a lively forum. On…

Mar 28, 2008 @ 6:00 PM

It’s 2013: Do You Know Where Your News Is?

Examining scenarios for the future

One of the few areas of agreement among observers of the news environment is that there is much more change to come. In this session we’ll discuss scenarios that illustrate…

Mar 21, 2008

iBrattleboro Victorious!

The Citizen Media Law Project and Media Re:public hail community news and information site's "significant victory," "a wonderful outcome," in a libel lawsuit…

Mar 18, 2008

Media Re:public Forum next week!

Berkman Fellow Persephone Miel reminds us that the Media Re:public Forum at USC Annenberg is a week away. Space is still available...

Feb 5, 2008

Media Re:public L.A. Forum Registration now Open!

Media Re:public, Berkman's effort undertaking an assessment of the state of the field of participatory media and its position in the overall news and information environment, is…

People 10


Colin Maclay

Faculty Associate

Ethan Zuckerman

Faculty Associate

Related Projects & Tools 01

Media Cloud

Media Cloud is an open source, open data platform that allows researchers to answer complex quantitative and qualitative questions about the content of online media.