March 05 2008 Conference Call
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Conference Call Notes
Drafted by Christopher Carfi, March 5, 2008
Added to by Adriana Lukas, March 5, 2008
- vrm at
Other Calls
- Dean Landsman
- Adriana Lukas
- Bart Stevens
- Charles Andres
- Iain Henderson
- Christopher Carfi
- Keith Hopper
- Brett McDowell
- Joe Andrieu
Previous Action Items
- Send query on email list about use of main list. Is that working better? - Joe - By Friday Feb 22, 2008
- First draft position paper - Dean - By Friday Feb 29, 2008.
Vision Committee (Dean)
- Ven diagram of individual and enterprise perspectives - the overlap should be larger that than the spare space; much should be shared although different angles
- Chris joined that group (visions committee) as he understands CRM and its beginnings
- how code would end up coming into or out of the vision
- next Wednesday afternoon (12th March) a meeting with, Doc, Keith, Chris and Sean in Cambridge â incorporating user and the enterprise â coding something very vaguely,
- at the moment too many definitions, bunch of discussions in lots of places
- need to have some degree of definition otherwise VRM becomes kind of where CRM is i.e. fragmented.
Bart: flagged up a paper about next level of CRM by O'Reilly, which mentions VRM and Doc Searls, business values for a consumer and a value for a vendor Dean: VRM is not just business
Standards Committee (Joe)
- Drummond and Joe have looked at multiple ways to "name" the users of VRM for the first use case
- Challenge: Who is the "user" and the conflict with "user-centrism"
- Resolved -- Broken out to "actors" (people or systems, eg. vendor or individual) and "roles" (e.g. "adressee," who manages his address in the system)
- Will be looking at the specific Use Cases for the Personal Address Manager service.
Organization Committee (Doc)
- Dean will wheedle.
Usage Committee (Adriana)
- Trying to organize people to get together F2F - regular monthly VRM Hub meetings
- Doing monthly get-togethers in London
- Organizing a smaller gathering on 15April in London (goal: identify problems that VRM can address for real people)
- "I don't talk to companies, I talk to people within companies" - connecting people who might be interested in the concepts of VRM
- Goal - open doors
Compliance Committee (Iain)
- One option on table to outsource compliance to Liberty Alliance, but more discussion needed.
- European Meeting last week - part of monthly VRM Hub social meetings in London. Next one is on 27th March, 2008.
- Scratch your VRM Itch, 15-April-2008 in London - Adriana
- For those who have been following VRM for a while
- For those who want to make VRM work
- For users, no agenda, user-driven
- Sort of like IIW, but without presentations
- Most attendees will already know each other
- Approximately 35 attendees
- Upcoming EU Identity Conference in Munich
- 22April to 25April
- "VRM day" will likely be 22April
- June Workshop - still trying to set dates, likely in Boston
Open Discussion
- Dean is looking for examples of VRM or things that are like VRM, even if those examples predate the term VRM itself in order to start a file of these examples.
- Eventful Demand - aggregate user demand to find enough value to have performers show up
- IT and such
- Kevin Marks looking at Google Groups
- It appears people are signed/signed up, but can't sign in
- Overlap with Data Portability
- Both need to start with user
- Adriana and Joe have had interactions with the DP group
Action Items
- Dean to connect with Doc regarding date for VRM June Workshop
- Note: Last year, there was much VRM interest at the Supernova conference. Supernova this year runs 16-Jun through 18-Jun in San Francisco