Digital Literacy Resource Platform Goes Live
The Berkman Center and Youth and Media are pleased to announce the launch of the Digital Literacy Resource Platform (DLRP), a new online platform we have designed and incubated as part of the Digital Media and Learning (DML) Trust Challenge grant, in collaboration with the MIT Media Lab’s Lifelong Kindergarten, New York Public Library, Press Pass TV, NuVu, the Engagement Lab, and Walnut Hill School.
DLRP is an evolving collection of freely accessible resources (e.g. infographics, curricula, guides, and papers) about online safety, privacy, creative expression, and information quality. These resources can help users navigate connected learning environments and the digital world. The platform is intended to be used by a diverse audience of teachers, school administrators, parents, and youth.
Our resources act as tools that help users make better choices online by encouraging positive uses of networked technologies and the development of successful strategies to minimize and manage online risks. These guides, lesson plans, videos, research papers, and other open educational resources empower a diverse audience of teachers, school administrators, parents, and youth with the knowledge and skills for participating, navigating, and learning in the digital world. Currently, all of the tools on the DLRP have been created by the Berkman Center. We are working with our network collaborators to identify and include additional resources.
We invite you to visit the DLRP, find the tools that you need, and use them at school, home, libraries, after-school activities, and with friends. You may also remix, transform, and build upon these resources in accordance with the respective license under which each are released.
While we continue working on the design of the DLRP, creating, and curating new resources, we'd be delighted to get your feedback. Please let us know if the tools and the platform are helpful to you, and how we can improve them. You can contact us at youthandmedia@cyber.harvard.edu.
About Youth and Media
Youth and Media encompasses an array of research, advocacy, and development initiatives around youth and digital technology. Located at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, Youth and Media draws on the knowledge of and experience with various interdisciplinary backgrounds, including psychology, ethnography, sociology, education, media theory, and the law. Through these combined approaches, Youth and Media centers the voices and experiences of youth to research and cultivate the creative, educational, and revolutionary possibilities of youth activity in digital space while addressing the genuine concerns that come with living life online. (youthandmedia.org)