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Rebecca Nesson and Wayne Marshall

Berkman Luncheon Series: 1/14/03 - Rebecca Nesson and Wayne Marshall on Jamaica


Past Event
Tuesday, January 14, 2003
12:30 PM - 12:30 PM

Events 02

Feb 20, 2007 @ 12:30 PM

Rehabilitation and Restorative Justice in Jamaica

Charles Nesson and Kevin Wallen

Charles Nesson and Kevin Wallen on "Rehabilitation and Restorative Justice in Jamaica."

Jan 23, 2006 @ 12:30 PM

Jamaica & Restorative Justice

Charlie Nesson & Members of his Evidence Class

Charles Nesson & members of his Evidence class on their Jamaica work & restorative justice focusing out countries hurt by globalization.

Projects & Tools 01

Jamaica Project

True to the Berkman Klein Center’s expansive interest in the interaction between internet and society, the Jamaica project’s mission centers on the use of the internet to shape,…