Talk:Future of Wikipedia
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Potential Problems to be Explored
Unsafe @ Any Speed?
- Need to consider the very real possibility that Wikipedia is an inherently defective social-technical product that cannot be fixed by any means even remotely feasible given the present conditions of its existence.
- Technical infrastructure needs to be improved
Critical Reflective Self-Study and Institutional Research?
- The difficulties, if not impossibilities, of continuous quality improvement in a systemn that is hostile to critical feedback and resistant to the principles of learning organizations. It would be possible to make a very long list of previous efforts along these lines that have been aborted or gutted by the prevailing dynamics of the Wikipedian subculture.
- If crowdsourcing is so great, why does the Wikimedia Foundation need to hire professional strategic planning cum public representation agencies like the Bridgespan Group to do its institutional research?
The Laborious Way That Decisions Are Made?
- process vs. substance
Newbies? Editing Interface
Gender Issues
The View of Wikipedia in the Institution/Institutions?
- Fleshing out references to bolster things?
Not using all of its potential?
The Quality Issue?
- Deletionism and inclusionism in Wikipedia
- Using Mechanical Turks for editing
- gate keeper
Online harassment or defamation problem in Wikipedia?
- Star wars kid
- ReputationDefender
- Maybe this is not a problem of Wikipedia, this is a problem in the internet generally
Solutions Looking for Problems
Getting Educational Institutions to Explicitly Participate
- Partnership Program w/ Schools-Teachers?
- Need to identify what benefits, if any, would accrue to teachers, students, or Wikipedia by such a partnership.
- so "Partnership" was thrown around incredibly loosely
- Getting students to flag hotspots (see flagging proposal)
- Getting students to learn about how projects like Wikipedia work
- Clarifying how not to use Wikipedia
- Addressing institutions' views on sources, primary and secondary
- Addressing Wikipedian's concerns on newbies
- Keeping in mind all of this: Wikipedia school and university projects
Flagging for Engagement, Second Look
Zittrain's highlighting proposal
- Firefox Add-on like DisputeFinder?
Meta!Meta! Time Frame
HW due Jan. 13, 2009
- Go get your hands dirty in Wikipedia
- Rank biggest Problems
- Get Wikipedia Review guys to give us their thoughts
- Hello and Welcome!